

A very interesting idea combining art and technology arose in Brno. An idea that the Prototyp event was built onAnd I had the opportunity to attend this event with my art.


Firstly I painted a dress for the Prototyp's Light Fashion Show.

The theme of the dress was insipired by the Alien Writing from Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series.

When the dress was prepared, the day of Fashion Show came. The bodypainting took almost six hours and I tried to follow the sci-fi theme. And because it had to somehow meet the light effect, I used UV body colours.

There was no need to add many details in the end, because the UV colours were so strong and the small details would not be seen on the Light Fashion Show.

The model wore the dress in combination with the sci-fi bodypaint theme. 

The Fashion show included many interesting light dresses without bodypainting. And I am very thankfull I could cooperate on this event with the whole Prototyp team.