Hope you all have a nice Friday!
Do you wanna know what's better than catching Pokémon? I'v hidden Dobby somewhere in the city!
I got a new idea. Well, it's an old idea, but I newly decided to return to it. And because my belly grows bigger every day, I need to get my mind occupied more and more. It's been a while since I've hidden some of my art while going through the city. So I decided to bring this concept back to life and make it a bit more fun.
Today I had some business in the city, so I decided to hide first three pictures. I'll be regularly posting about it on my Instagram and probably even here. Every post about my hidden art will be tagged as #hledejoriginal (Instagram, Facebook) and #najdilusym (Instagram, Facebook).
But how to make sure that I'll hide as many pictures and as often as possible? Easy! Simply like, share, and comment! :)
So get out there and catch your very first and very own original!
Have a nice day!
To be up to speed with hiding and finding my art, check out https://www.instagram.com/lusymn/
PS: When you find one, don't forget take a photo with your treasure and use the proper hashtag, so that I'll know who was the lucky finder!