The main task was to create wine labels for speakers at a symposium. The first idea was to make a cartoon but at the beginning I fought with a problem of not personally knowing any of the speakers and not all of the pictures I had were really that useful. And it is really complicated to make a cartoon with no idea of how does the person look like. So I started with cartoons, but it still lead me to the traditional way - ink and redispero.

The first step was to become a spy and to find as many pictures as possible to get the best idea of how do the speakers look like. And after that I started with pencil drawing, which was the most time consuming part of the whole process.

However I worked hard and after some time I was getting thirsty. But there was also a solution for that problem.

When I finished all of the portraits, I had to give a shape to labels. And after the drawing was finished, the manufacture started.

The end of final day is comming and time of  "show off" is in few hours. And that is time of finishing of label with note "thank you" for all speakers. 

All labels together before the time of handover.

In addition I draw labels for home made products : "Statek Horní Dvorec" and bakery Vracov.

And the final form. Thank Vít Volšička for photographies from the event.